Schedule Your Middle School Kira Classes to Meet the CS Requirement

Date: Thursday, March 21, 2024
Time: 4-5pm CT

Facilitated by Kira’s Director of Teaching and Learning Rick Gaston with special guests Becky Ashe (TSIN) and Kira Tennessee Teacher Ambassadors, this session focused on sharing information and facilitating conversations to help middle schools decide on next year’s scheduling model for their CS course.

Presenters gave overviews of the TN legal requirements, along with several scheduling models. Then, schools with interest in similar models broke out into smaller groups for a deeper dive into the pros and cons of these models.

If you’re a teacher, this will be valuable for you to begin thinking about how to plan for your time with students in the CS course. If you’re an administrator, this session will help you think about how to satisfy the new TN CS requirements in your schedule.

Find the presentation slides here.
Find the breakout room notes here.